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What information is likely to be included in Indus
inscriptions? No one knows for sure but
many researchers have provided hypotheses.
Some of these focus on the presumed economic function of inscribed
objects. For example, M. Korvink
suggests, “The script at the top of a seal could conceivably express the
commodities, their quantity, locations, and the proprietor, etc. while the
motif was ‘guarantor of the transaction’” (2008: 76-77).
B. Wells also considers an economic function likely: “Seals can be
demonstrated to function as closures for doors, boxes and other packages
enclosed in reeds and textiles” (2011: 162).
As an example of more specific meaning, he cites a particular jar (designated
Jar G) found at Mohenjo daro, Moneer southeast area. This jar contained many fragments of
stoneware bangles, which Wells estimates derived from 17 or 18 original
bangles. The jar had a sealing closing
it and on this sealing were the two signs SINGLE POST / STACKED SEVEN, which
Wells takes to be a way of writing “seventeen,” the (approximate) number of
bangles inside. From this, he concludes
that one function of seals was “to facilitate the cycle of production” (2011:
161). If he is correct in his
reconstruction of the bangles in this jar and if he is also correct about the
meaning of SINGLE POST / STACKED SEVEN, then the inscription does seem to refer
to the quantity if not the identity of the items inside the jar.
Because of the parallel use of Near Eastern cylinder seals
to close various containers and doors, M. Coe posits an economic function as
well (1995: 394). That is, he says, the
inscriptions on seals “in all likelihood name the owner or owners of the goods
sealed.” So, assuming an economic
function is correct, we find more than one possibility for the content of
inscriptions. These could identify
owners or they could identify the objects of commerce, the commodities.
In proto-Elamite, as I have noted before, the rare signs
typically indicate owners, while common signs that represent commodities are
paired with numerals (Damerow and Englund 1989: 11-13).
As discussed at length in previous posts, I do not interpret the
apparent numerals in Indus script as modifyers that actually enumerate. As a result, I consider it unlikely that
Indus inscriptions on seals parallel proto-Elamite economic tablets in their
content. Instead, I hypothesize that the
Indus inscriptions on seals are largely owners’ marks, perhaps similar to Turkic
tamgas (e.g., see Pim, Yatsenko, and Perrin 2010).
Even if this hypothesis is correct, it does not necessarily
mean that all the Indus inscriptions have the same type of content. In particular, the group of objects termed
tablets may bear something different from what appears on seals.
The former group comprises three different types of objects, actually. The bas-relief tablets may have been created
from impressions of seal inscriptions, in which case the inscriptional content of both objects should be
essentially of the same type. But there
are also incised tablets, some on baked clay, some on metal. Many of the former have an inscription on
both sides, with the second side usually containing CUP plus an apparent
numeral (most often from SINGLE POST to FOUR POSTS, rarely SIX POSTS). It is conceivable that this type of
artifact had a function different from that of the seals (and perhaps different from bas-relief tablets).
So let us examine the inscriptions on tablets with those on
seals to see whether there are indeed differences. One way of doing this is to look at specific
signs. For example, my first impression is that HAIRY HUNCHBACK appears
more often on tablets than on seals.
Wells divides variations of this symbol into four separate signs in his
latest work (2011: 180). The “head” is
on the right and there are four “hairs” on W176; the “head” is on the left and
there are three “hairs” on W177; an angular version of the first is W178; and a
variation of the second with an open “head” is W179. Together, these variants occur 201 times by
Wells’ count. Of these occurrences, 123
are on tablets while 72 are on seals (6 additional occurrences on pot shards or
other objects). That is, using Wells’
figures, 61% of occurrences are on tablets versus 36% on seals (3% other). Many of the tablets bear inscriptions that are duplicated on other tablets,
however; if each inscription is counted just once no matter how many duplicates
there are, the imbalance between tablets and seals is not as pronounced.
It is still interesting to note what contexts this sign
appears in, on the different objects. Among
the inscriptions recorded in the KP concordance, I find the following on tablets (underlining indicates tablets that are incised, i.e., those we are most interested in here):
1 of HAIRY HUNCHBACK alone (actually placed
between two circles, which may or may not be intended as signs) on H-220-222A
(bas relief)
1 of HAIRY HUNCHBACK in final position on M-1418
(bas relief)
H-220-222 (bas relief)
4 of HAIRY HUNCHBACK + WINGED MAN on tablets on
H-179 (bas relief), H-740-742 (bas relief), M-543-546 and M-1497-1502
1 of HAIRY HUNCHBACK + VEST on H-837 (round bas
relief tablet)
(bas relief), H-341 (triangular bas relief), H-892-893 (incised)
13 of HAIRY HUNCHBACK + POT on M-511-512 and
M-550 (incised); M-1448-1451, M- 1453, and M-502-503 (incised); M-1452
(incised); H-699 and H-171 (bas relief); M-494-495 (bas relief); M-1460
and M-509-510 (incised); H-315 (incised); H-932, H-934-935,
H-937, H-959, H-961-963, H-978-981, H-309, H-311, H-316-318, and H-352-357
(incised) as well as H-233 (bas relief); H-987 (incised); H-933,
936, 960, 964, 308, and 312-314 (incised); H-853 (bas relief); H-232 (“shield”
shaped bas relief); H-811 (bas relief)
Other inscriptions in the concordance are either on seals or
on objects I cannot identify in my database.
In comparison, I find the following on seals:
2 + one of the various BEARER signs (BEARER,
1 + RAKE
1 + HUNCHBACK (not “hairy”)
28 + POT
Aside from the multiple co-occurrences of HAIRY
HUNCHBACK and POT, there is no clear pattern and this particular "pair" is common to both tablets
and seals. Hence, analysis of
this sign indicates no significant difference between media. Whatever the inscriptions once meant, they
seem to mean the same regardless of whether they appear on tablets or
seals. However, this tentative conclusion
only pertains to this particular sign thus far.
Ideally, we would analyze occurrences of the other common signs in the
same way before drawing a firm conclusion.
Coe, M.D. 1995. “On not breaking the Indus code” in Antiquity 69 (1995): 393-5.
Damerow, P. and R.K. Englund. 1989. The Proto-Elamite Texts from Tepe Yahya. Cambridge, Mass.: Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University.
Korvink, M.P. 2008. The Indus Script: A Positional Statistical Approach. Gilund Press.
Pim, J.E., S.A. Yatsenko, and O.T. Perrin. 2010. Traditional Marking Systems: A Preliminary Survey. London: Dunkling Books.
Wells, B.K. 2011. Epigraphic Approaches to Indus Writing. Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books.
nd night news at 9.30 pm dr. m.c. kangali and myself prakash salame both were given very very short interview. if any body intrested to know the truth regarding decipherment of harappa and mohenjodaro script may contact with me. mobile no. 09922475025..